Thank you to the stranger I met online and then ghosted me

Just to the ghost, future ghosts, and people who are about to ghost… this may not apply to you specifically, but try to be considerate of the person on the other end who has to deal with the feelings of ghosting. (Also writing can sometimes help cope with these feelings of confusion.)

Ruth Zhang
2 min readJun 24, 2020

Goodbye to a stranger whom I’d met online. Thank you for letting me open up and to trust people, but now learning that I should continue to be wary of strangers. Thank you for opening up your daily adventures to me, and sending photos of your cats being cute. I will now be deleting all of the interactions that I’ve had with you in the past two-three months and purging all interactions of texts and pictures that we’ve exchanged. Thank you for sending me encouragement and cheers each week, for texting good nights and good mornings for the past two months which sent blushes and smiles on my face. Thank you for keeping me company as I braved self-isolation in a tiny dorm, focusing on thesis and examinations. Now you’ve ghosted me (also learned what that meant too!). Thank you for letting me experience a whole new wave of emotions and just appreciating the little things in life. And thank you for being kind (and maybe genuine) and sending me silly texts once in a while to check up on me. It’s slightly painful since I’ve opened up to a kind stranger and we’ve constantly checked-up on each other. Communication slowed down and now nothing. I sent you a thank you text, but I don’t think I’ll ever get a response, and that’s fine since you were a guy in passing. This experience has taught me to become emotionally stronger as well as learn from experience since I’m a curious scientist who wants to experience a range of things in life. With time, I’ll forget about the three months and continue with life. But maybe not fully forget. As of now, I’ll take the pain and learn from it. And next time, I’ll know what to look out for (hopefully). For now… I think I’ll continue loving myself, and try to take in the emotions of pain and face them. My emotions will waver for a while as I process these emotions slowly. Since it’s a lesson for some of us to learn.

A thank you. For teaching me what it feels to be ghosted and allowing me to figure out how to process these emotions. Goodbye to the kind and supportive person whom I’d met online.



Ruth Zhang

I’m just your typical reader! I enjoy reading posts on science (since that’s what I study) as well as just having a curiosity for culture and adventure!